Publishing my series

Green Lane sign

For a while now I’ve had my eye on a this empty space on the geocaching map and planning to place a geocache series there. Last week I had a free day and a choice. Either go caching or set out some more caches of my own. Altruism won the day and so, equipped with a bag of various containers, I was soon out in the fields. I had reconnoitred the route previously and had some hidey holes in mind. Skye and I had a nice walk and once the containers had been hidden it was back to base for tea and medals, and the time-consuming but important admin.

After a small hiccup, the caches were published yesterday evening and several of the local FTF hounds were soon out – congratulations to The Bongtwashes on FTF-ing them all! 🙂

If you’re interested, there is a list of my caches here.

As an aside, it’s amazing what you see whilst out in the countryside. As I was walking around a bend at the edge of a wheat field, a fox jumped out of the trees to our left and pounced on an unsuspecting pheasant hiding in the wheat. Within seconds the fox had picked up the pheasant and dashed back to the safety of the trees. Skye went absolutely bonkers and would have shot after the fox if I hadn’t had her on the lead. All this happened so fast I had no chance to go for my camera. 🙂




2 thoughts on “Publishing my series

  1. Nice one! Saw the notifications when they went live and was sorely tempted but knowing that Smokeypugs would be out there like a flash I sent him a text to find out and low and behold The Bongtwashes had already beaten him to it. lol. Got these on the list to do next time up around that way.

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